I made this blog as a way to share possibly helpful material and comments from a Mongoose Traveller campaign which is just starting. Traveller was the first RPG I bought in the early 1980's. I refereed it a bit with my friends, but I spent much more time just playing those years, and when I started running my own campaigns in earnest, my main focus was on HârnMaster. I had a more or less continuous HârnMaster campaign during most of the 1990's. I revived HârnMaster in 2020, and we played more or less weekly for three years.
Now I've decided to return to the Third Imperium, and since I liked the original setting, and remembered those old adventures I never got to GM, it felt natural to go with Mongoose 2nd edition. Through amazing offers on Bundle of Holding and Humble Bundle, I've also been able to gather a decent bunch of Traveller stuff for a very reasonable price.
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